Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hey People of the Earth~

     I have a theme going! Can you tell? I’m just going to keep explaining pictures I have taken.

The mist on the top of a tank! Inside of the tank is about 2,000 gallons of milk! (That’s a lot of milk if you ask me!) I really enjoy this picture because on the mist on top. It looks very magical and unique. It’s a simple background kind of image! But I hope you like! (:

As you can tell I really don’t have any rhyme or reason to my pictures. I just enjoy taking pictures! Come read my next post!



Hey People of Earth~

     Just like my last post, I’m going to explain to you a picture I took!

So this isn’t the best picture I have ever taken but it means something to me… In a way you might not understand but I will try to explain it to you. So I live on a farm. The farm has been in the family for seven generations (more than 150 years). The big white barn has been there for so many years and it’s very weathered! (I’ll post a picture soon!) This picture is just a little symbol of me!

I hoped you enjoy this picture! Come read my next post!


Hey People of Earth~

       Well, in this blog post I’m just going to explain some pictures I took!

This Picture is a wooden picnic table at my cabin. This picnic table has been through so much! Many weddings, family reunions, and summer days! If you couldn’t tell, I edited this picture so you could see the grains and imperfections of the wood.  
This is my next picture. I took this picture from the top of my back driveway. If you to the right you can see the sun rays shining through to you. This was taken right after a storm, as you see water running down the sides of my road.
I hoped you enjoy these two simple black and white photos! Come read my next posts!

Blogging Video

This is link to my video. In this video you will find out I have a slight obsession with Luke Bryan!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Staring at your crush like......

Trying to get through life like.....
Can I be Her?

This is my Husband!!
High School Musical is still my number 1 movie!
My favorite season is Winter!
It is Pumpkin Cheese Cake no big deal!


Monday, December 7, 2015

A-Z About Me

A- People Annoy me too much
B- Birds are not okay!
C- Coffee is key to my success
D- Dance is my life
E- I am a terrible Example.
F- Fish scare me so much!
G- Grapes are great
H- You don't always have to be Happy
I- I  love noodles!
J- Just Jugging my life
K- Chilling is Key
L- Laughing is my medicine
M- I love the Mighty Ducks movies
N- Nothing will stop me
(dramatically skipping "o")
P- I will not eat Peanut Butter.
Q- I am not a Quiet person
R- Relaxing at the lake is my favorite activity
S- Just keep Smiling
T- Thomas Luther Bryan is my love!
(also dramatically skipping "U,V")
W- I love Walking away from drama
(dramatically skipping "X,Y")
Z- Zoos are fun

Friday, December 4, 2015

35 Questions


1:Do you sleep with your (closet) doors open or closed?

Answer:  Closed

2:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? 

Answer: Out

3:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?

Answer: Big Bear

  4:Do you have freckles?

Answer: No

5:What is your biggest pet peeve?

Answer: When people lack common sense.

6:What is your Song of the week?

Answer: Break up in small town by Sam Hunt

7:What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? 

Answer: Beauty and the Beast

8:What do you dip a chicken nugget in? 

Answer: BBQ

9:What is your top 3 favorite foods?

Answer:  Steak, Noodles, and Fries

10. What food do you dislike and why?

Answer: Peanut Butter because of the smell

11:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

Answer:  All the Mighty Ducks Movies

12:What time do you usually go to sleep every night?

Answer: 10ish

13:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? List what you remember.

Answer: I honestly don’t remember any.

14:Do you sing in the car?

 Answer: Yes

 15.What do you want for Christmas this year?

Answer: Anything NDSU

16:What did you want to be when you were a kid?

Answer: a Nurse

17:Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

Answer: Kinda and No

18:Who would you like to see in concert?

Answer: Luke Bryan

19:What was the last concert you saw?

Answer: Garth Brooks

20:Can you swim?

Answer: Yes

21:Ever won a contest? If so, for what?

Answer: No

22:Who was your first crush?

Answer: Jonah L.

23:If you were an animal, what would you be? Why?

Answer: Puppy, they are cute and I want one.

24:Do you miss anyone right now?  Who?

Answer:  Yes, my great grandma

25 What's a weird habit or phobia of yours?

Answer: I have a phobia of Birds and Fish.

26. What was your first stuffed animal && it's name?

Answer: Dolphin and Dolphie

27. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

Answer: Hannah Montana

28. If you could live in any time period, when would it be and why?

Answer: 1800’s just to see what life was like.

29. What are the two most important for you? Love, fame, money, or power?

Answer: Love and Money

30. What did you do for your last birthday?

Answer: Just hung with my family.
31. What's your favorite Color?
32. Favorite Number?
33. Single or Taken?
34. Best Friend?
35. When did you cry last?